
Sandarac Services


Email & Mobile Marketing

Email and mobile marketing campaigns have grown tremendously in the digital age and provide an avenue for our clients current and prospective customers to remain informed and connected on all aspects of product or service. Sandarac works with our clients to insure all email & mobile marketing campaigns are presented in a professional &clear manner while insuring the targeted message is delivered to the correct audience. Email and mobile marketing are inexpensive options to deliver vital content to customers, while allowing them to view and disseminate information on their own time. Our email & mobile marketing services include full campaign planning, management and integration from service provider selection to message design to tracking metrics.

Social Media Marketing

Social media provides an avenue to build relationships with customers by sharing messages in real time and in an informal setting. User generated content such as comments, feedback and recommendations about a product or service provides promotion that can spread far and wide. Like with email and mobile marketing, Sandarac provides full social media consulting, website integration and planning. We remain fully engaged and supportive for ongoing management of all social media accounts, including strategies for content, blog creation and tracking metrics.



Lead Generation

By allowing Sandarac to manage and implement your organizations online marketing campaigns, our hope is that will foster the generation of qualified sales leads by obtaining valuable contact information on potential customers. If we aren’t driving potential customers to client websites and social media pages than we aren’t doing our job. We are adept at nurturing and evaluating our client’s sales leads though planning and strategic writing and design.


Travel Consulting

Working with local clients in service related industries has provided Sandarac an avenue to provide travel guidance, logistical services and general consulting to groups traveling with limitations. We assist primarily education-based and non-profits with itineraries, accommodations, transportation and keeping you in touch with loved ones while traveling domestically or abroad.